Wednesday 17 December 2014

Assemble A Care Package For Someone In School

A care package is a thoughtful gift and often constitutes a much needed ration of supplies for a struggling student. Include nutritious snacks, study aids and entertaining surprises.


1. Send coffee beans, tea bags or flavored instant coffee drinks for those sleepless study nights.

2. Pack nutritious energy foods that are easily accessible for students on the go. Include sports bars, dried fruit, graham crackers, nuts, instant soups and instant hot cereals.

3. Toss in a few sweets. Chocolate and baked goods do wonders for the spirit.

4. Add an uplifting or entertaining element: a favorite CD, a small book of wisdom, a mini photo album or a movie rental certificate.

5. Include special toiletries that may be impossible to buy on a student budget. Fancy scented soaps, bubble bath, candles and scented lotions are welcome and relaxing gifts.

6. Remember obscure, but practical, little gifts that every student needs. Throw in a few pairs of good socks, a scarf to help beat the cold or a new set of gloves.
