Wednesday 30 September 2015

Cut An Ice Cream Cake

Use a warm knife to slice ice cream cake.

By serving an ice cream cake, you can combine the best of both desserts -- cake and ice cream -- into one delectable treat. Because this kind of cake typically has layers of a baked good and layers of ice cream stacked together, you will serve it frozen. Use a trick or two to easily cut the cake so that you can serve it to party guests, and then enjoy a special slice, too. Does this Spark an idea?


Round Ice Cream Cake

1. Hold the chef's knife under hot running water for approximately 30 seconds to warm the metal. Shake off the excess water from the knife before cutting the cake.

2. Slice a circle in the cake approximately 2 inches from the outer edge of the cake. Run the knife under hot water any time slicing the cake becomes difficult. The warm knife will slice through the frozen layers more easily.

3. Cut the outer perimeter of the cake into wedges, again warming the knife under hot water to make it easy to slice the cake. Use the cake server to serve the wedges to guests on the serving plates.

4. Slice the inner circle into wedges that resemble a pizza and serve the slices to guests.

Sheet Ice Cream Cake

5. Warm the chef's knife under hot water before slicing the cake.

6. Slice horizontal slices in the cake every 2 inches with the warm chef's knife. Run the blade of the knife under hot water if the cake is too hard to cut easily.

7. Cut vertical slices in the cake every 2 inches with the warm chef's knife. Again, warm the blade of the knife under hot water whenever necessary to cut the cake.

8. Serve the square pieces of cake to the guests on the serving plates.

Tags: knife under, knife under water, under water, chef knife, Cream Cake, with warm chef, blade knife