Tuesday 27 October 2015

Homemade Clown Costume From Sheets

A clown costume can be inxpensively created using a sheet

Clowns are known to invoke humor and dress outlandishly, wearing a mishmosh of colors and oversized clothes. Sheets are an ideal canvas for creating a clown costume. They offer a large amount of material in a variety of colors and patterns. Using sheets is also an inexpensive way to create a clown costume, since people often have old sheets in their linen closets. Secondhand sheets can also be purchased from thrift or discount stores.


1. Hold a hula hoop around your waist and have a helper fasten a piece of fishing line to the front of the hula hoop. Pull the other end of the fishing line over your right shoulder and tie it to the back of the hula hoop.

2. To further secure the hula hoop, tie another piece of fishing line to the front and pull it over your left shoulder, tying it to the back of the hula hoop. The fishing line should crisscross over your body to help lock the hoop in place. This will form the waistband of the clown pants.

3. Choose a brightly-colored sheet--with as wild a pattern as you can find--to create your clown outfit. Cut a hole for your head in the middle of the sheet, as well as holes for your arms. Let the sheet cascade over you and the hula hoop.

4. Cut off the edges of the sheet that extend past your feet. Cut slits in the sheet from the bottom front and back ends, and upward to what would be the groin area in a pair of pants. Glue, sew, or pin the inside left front and back edges and the inside right front and back edges together to form wide, flowing pant legs. Sewing will be the most secure option, however, a fabric glue should hold up well for a one-time wear. Pinning is the ideal choice when short on time and crafting skill.

5. Add finishing touches--such as clown shoes, a wig, and a red nose--to complete your costume.

Tags: hula hoop, fishing line, clown costume, front back, over your, back edges, back hula