Friday 16 October 2015

Homemade Personalized Birthday Invitations

Birthday invitations should be as special as the party.

It is easy to find adorable and unique birthday invitations at party stores. It is not so easy to find personalized invitations. Personalized invitations are special to the birthday person, especially when they display a name and face. Make your own personalized birthday party invitations with photos of the birthday person and a few items found at craft stores. Not only will your birthday party guests enjoy the personalized touch, the birthday girl or boy will love the recognition. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Print 12 pictures (2x3-inch wallet size) of the birthday boy or girl (see Resources for printing help). Alternatively, cut 12 wallet-size professional/school portraits of the birthday person.

2. Glue a photo to the front of a blank greeting card. Completely cover the back of the photo, paying special attention to glue the edges and corners. Allow the glue to dry.

3. Trace the photo edges with a thick line of squeezable glitter fabric paint. The fabric paint will dry with a raised, glittery texture.

4. Use the squeezable glitter fabric paint to personalize the invitation. Write, "[Name's] Birthday Party," underneath the photo. It may be helpful to write the name in pencil first.

5. Use a glitter marker to write the birthday party information, such as location, times, venue and directions, on the right page of the inside of the card. Write a little birthday poem on the left side of the card (see Resources for poem ideas).

Tags: birthday person, fabric paint, birthday girl, birthday party, easy find, glitter fabric