Wednesday 3 September 2014

How Long Is Foundation Good For

Toss out old makeup to prevent skin infection.

Foundation, a cosmetic coloring used to even out skin tone, comes in liquid and powder form. Consumers should throw away foundation after one or two years, but according to British retailer Debenhams, nearly 70 percent of women who use foundation don't throw it out until it's gone. Expired makeup can become contaminated, allowing bacteria to build up and cause infection. These infections can range from mild acne to more serious conditions such as pink eye. Though cosmetic manufacturers are not required to post expiration dates on their products, several general rules can help you determine if your foundation is still usable. Does this Spark an idea?

Liquid Foundation

Liquid foundations can last up to a year if it is applied with a clean sponge. Applying foundation with your fingers transfers germs to the bottle, and the liquid in the foundation allows bacteria to thrive and grow. Wash the application sponge after each use, and replace it every few months.

Powder Foundation

Bacteria won't grow on a dry surface, and because of this, powder foundation can last for two years with proper use. The powder puff, however, can absorb oils and dirt from your skin, and it should be replaced every few months. Store the powder puff in a separate container, and not in the compact.

Other Considerations

Regardless of the foundation's age, throw it away if it looks off-color, has a sour or rancid odor or has changed consistency. Also discard foundation if your skin develops more acne than usual or if your skin blisters, swells or becomes itchy. Discard the product if you use foundation around your eyes and develop a sty or pink eye.

Extend Shelf Life

Women often store makeup in the bathroom, one of the warmest and most humid rooms in the house. Store makeup in a cool, dry area to keep moisture from entering your container and encouraging bacterial growth.

Tags: your skin, every months, foundation throw, powder puff, throw away