Tuesday 19 May 2015

Hawaiian Theme Party Ideas

Re-create the tropical atmosphere of Hawaii with a well-planned themed party.

A Hawaiian themed party is great during warm summer months when outdoor space can be used. Whether the occasion is a birthday, graduation, anniversary or just a get together with friends, a Hawaiian theme is one you can really have fun with, and is easy to organize on a budget. Does this Spark an idea?


Asking your guests to dress in Hawaiian costume will add to the fun.

Sprinkle some hibiscus flowers inside your Hawaiian party invitations as a nice touch for your guests. Ask them to dress for the occasion in Hawaiian shirts, summer dresses and grass skirts. As the host, why not wear an impressive Carmen Miranda style hat, to really stand out? To add humor to your invitations, add photographs of your guests' faces to cartoon bodies of Luau women and men.

Decorations and Supplies

Colorful balloons add to the party atmosphere.

Colorful balloons and inflatable palm trees or pink flamingos outside your front door will leave nobody in doubt that a party is happening! Have a basket of leis at the entrance to your party so that every guest receives one when they arrive. To following Hawaiian tradition, stand at the door and greet every guest in person by placing the lei over their head and saying "aloha". Brightly colored garlands, banners and scene setters, available at all party supply stores and from many online retailers, will decorate the walls of your home, and a CD of tropical island music will create an appropriate atmosphere. On your tables, use raffia table skirts and tablecloths in tropical colors - green, yellow, orange and deep pink - and scatter Hawaiian themed confetti, such as palm trees and flowers. Decorate your glasses with cocktail umbrellas, and use piñatas as your centerpieces or hung above the tables.


Lively tropical music will get your party guests dancing.

Before the night of the party, practice the hula and the limbo, so that you can teach your guests. With luau music playing, hold hula and limbo contests, with Hawaiian-themed prizes for the winners. Hula hoops and limbo kits can be purchased online and at discount stores, with discounts often offered if you are buying in bulk. If you are holding your party outdoors, set up a fun obstacle course using hula hoops and the limbo. When the party is in full swing, start a congo line, encouraging all your guests to join in.


Setting up a camera at the party to take photos of your guests captures the memories.

Party favors are a great way to add a personal touch and make the most of your Hawaiian theme. Cheap and cheerful favors include tropical print bandannas, comedy glasses and glow in the dark necklaces. If you have a digital camera and photo printer, you could take photos of your guests during the party and have one printed out for each of them to hand them as they leave.

Tags: your guests, your party, Colorful balloons, every guest, Hawaiian themed