Thursday 30 October 2014

Amplify A Ukulele

The ukulele is a stringed instrument usually associated with Hawaii, and its name means "jumping flea." To amplify a ukulele, you need to install a pickup, which will generate a louder sound by converting the string vibrations of the ukulele to a digital signal, which can be output to a speaker or amplifier. Learn amplify a ukulele and enjoy this unique instrument.


1. Choose the kind of pickup you want to install on your ukulele. You can find a variety of types available, and each one produces a different sound. Decide which kind of sound you want before you purchase one.

2. Note that among the variety of pickup types available, some types may require drilling, while others can be stuck on by adhesive. You can also choose from internal- or external-mounted pickups. The battery-powered ones claim to produce the most consistent sound.

3. Install the pickup onto your ukulele by following the instructions that came with your pickup. You may want to remove the strings and the saddle of the ukulele to give you extra room to work with.

4. Connect the ukulele to an amplifier and play it. If you do not get the sound you want, then fine-tune the placement of your pickup. Start by moving the pickup around the bridge area and continue adjusting until you get the sound you like from your ukulele.

Tags: your ukulele, pickup want, sound want, types available, your pickup