Friday 3 October 2014

Design A Reunion Flyer

Design a Reunion Flyer

Creating your own reunion flyer can be a fun project to undertake that can be achieved with little difficulty. Perhaps you've been tasked with developing a reunion flyer for your graduating class and need a few ideas that can make you flyer pop or maybe you simply need a straightforward design that can offer your classmates an overview of the activities being planned for the reunion. Whatever your specific goals for your flyer, creating it will require time and effort along with a good graphics program to create your design.


1. Determine the type of content you need to include in your reunion flyer. This will generally encompass the location, time and date of the reunion. For example, special events or attractions that will be a part of your reunion or a band that played at your senior prom that will be performing again would be a good detail to note in your flyer. If your reunion will have a luncheon or dinner, letting quests know whether it is black tie or informal is important information to impart in your flyer. Brainstorm your flyer's design aesthetic on paper. Remember to gather all information, including photos, that you want to add to your flyer in the graphics program you will be using.

2. Pick a graphics program like Photoshop to create your reunion flyer's design. If you don't have a copy of Photoshop, think about choosing the freeware graphics program GIMP. Open a new document by selecting "File" then clicking on "New" from the drop-down menu. Decide on a background type, white being a good choice for flyer designs. Next, add the dimensions for your flyer. Choosing the standard flyer paper dimensions (8.5 x 11 inches) is appropriate when printing on standardized flyer paper. Selecting at least a resolution of 300 pixels is best for optimum printing results.

3. Bring in photos that you want to include as a part of your reunion flyer's design. You may, for example, want to add a photo that was taken at your prom of your classmates or even create a montage of nostalgic images to entice your classmates to attend the reunion. To bring your photos in, you should select "File" then "Open." Then browse to where you've saved the file on your computer and open them. Then use the "Copy" and "Paste" function to bring them into your computer.

4. Use tools in the program to add your graphics to create your reunion's design. For example, you might use the "Custom Shape" tool to add one or more of the shapes available in the "Presets." Or you could select the "Pen" tool, set it to fill and draw you own shapes on the flyer. If you just want to create colored rectangular regions, you can use the "Marquee" tool to select an area and then use the "Paintbucket" tool to fill it with color.

5. Select the "Text" tool. Choose a font setting for your flyer that is most fitting for your design premise. A formal design might require a font style like "French Script MT" while a more humorous or "hip" design could work well with a font style like "Curlz MT." Type in your text.

6. Save you final reunion flyer design in a high resolution JPEG format. Print your design on your home printer using flyer printer paper, or have your flyers printed for you. You can either choose to have your flyers printed by a professional print shop or an office-supply store that offers this particular service.

Tags: your flyer, your reunion, reunion flyer, flyer design, graphics program