Thursday 16 October 2014

Create A Custom Logo With Gimp

Create a Custom Logo With Gimp

Hiring a professional graphic designer to create a custom logo can be effective, but it can also be extremely expensive. Creating your own logo can give you the customization you crave at a price you can afford. Graphic design programs such as Gimp, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, are in the public domain and are free to download and use. You can design your own custom logo with Gimp without paying a penny.


1. Open Gimp. If you do not already have the design program installed on your computer, visit the software's homepage at and follow the necessary prompts to download and install Gimp.

2. Create a new image. Click on "File" and locate "New" on the drop-down box, selecting the command; choose the size of your logo workbook, picking from the template options or inserting customized dimensions. Expand the "Advanced Options" and select "Transparency" as the "Fill With" choice, allowing you to create a logo in front of a clear backdrop.

3. Begin designing according to your logo objectives. If text is desired, use the "Text Tool" to insert a company name or other relevant information regarding your project. Choose the text color or design filter that best suits your preferences; text design capabilities can be found under the toolbar category of "Filters" in the section "Alpha to Logo."

4. Insert additional elements as wanted. You can use the "Blend Tool" to add a color gradient effect across your logo, or the "Paintbrush Tool" to decorate with the brushstrokes of your choice. You can also insert graphics to complement your text

5. Save your completed logo using the file extension ".png." This will preserve the transparency of your logo, keeping blank edges blank opposed to having a filled-in rectangular border

Tags: your logo, Create Custom, Create Custom Logo, Logo With, With Gimp