Thursday 9 October 2014

How Do You Solve The Riddle In The Pc Nancy Drew Game "Secret Of The Old Clock"

In the computer game "Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock," a series of challenging puzzles put your wits to the test. In particular, the mysterious Mr. Topham confronts Nancy Drew with a series of five riddles in his "Intelligence Test" later in the game that can prove to be quite challenging. Before you give up and go look up the solution online (see Resources), know that all the clues required to answer his riddles are there, and can be solved with just a little bit of deduction.


1. Examine the first question and think about what phrase it could mean. In the case of all five answers, the solution is a phrase that you will have heard at some point in the game by now. For the first question, you see the word "wet" written all over the page. Remember how Jane described her skills as a restaurant manager earlier in the game.

2. Consider the arrangement of the word "doll" for the second question. Here, it is written from the bottom up. Recall earlier in the game when, while in Titusville Telco, Miss Jakowski used a phrase for getting dressed up in a really fancy way before going to a party later.

3. Avoid thinking of the two symbols on the page as the letter "x" but instead think of what symbols they could be while answering the third riddle. Traditionally, two crossed lines are known as "crosses", and this pair of them represents a phrase used by Rebecca from Sunnybrook Farm earlier in the game while mentioning her trustworthiness.

4. Remember the solution for the second riddle while looking at the clue for the fourth as it uses the same logic for its visual wordplay. The word "dry" written from the bottom up should also remind you of a term used by Alice at Camp Avondale.

5. Notice the enormous size of the word "cheese" in relation to the page while answering the fifth and final riddle of Mr. Topham's intelligence test. A cheese this big calls to mind a phrase used by the salesperson at Blenheim Nursery while talking about the very important boss of an oil company.

Tags: earlier game, Nancy Drew, first question, from bottom, phrase used