Wednesday 18 March 2015

Dress For Brazil

Brazil is hot and humid country with 19 major cities. Most of the population lives near the coast, which influences the way people in Brazil dress. If you'll be traveling to Brazil, there are a few things you should know about what to wear.


1. Know European fashion trends because most fashion in Brazil is based on them. In general, business suits need to be European cut. To dress for parts of Brazil that are south of Sao Paulo, you should follow fashion from Spain or Italy.

2. Wear natural fabrics and lightweight clothing. Cotton, linen and silk are comfortable even in the heat and humidity. Rayon, called viscose in Brazil, is a fabric that won't wrinkle as much as linen and so is another good choice.

3. Dress for the beach. The string bikini or thong is worn by women of all ages and weight. Most men wear Speedo-type swim trunks. Tank tops and sandals are popular.

4. Follow business etiquette in your dress. Women wear business suits or dresses with jackets. You need to take hose and sandals with a medium heel. For makeup, use a powder and a bright lipstick that complements your complexion. Men wear business suits with a silk tie. Wear a three piece suit only if you are an executive. If you wear a short sleeve shirt, don't wear a tie. You should plan to wear a leather belt and shoes.

5. Iron your jeans. Jeans are worn by a variety of age groups and are considered appropriate for both casual and semi-formal occasions. You must make sure that your jeans fit well and have no holes, frayed edges or patches. Normally a belt is worn with jeans.

6. Take costume jewelry, if you want to wear some. You want people to be able to tell that it's fake or inexpensive in order to avoid being robbed. Try to stay away from gold even if it's fake gold.

Tags: business suits, wear business, wear business suits, your jeans