Monday 23 March 2015

Make Fruit Decorations For A Party With Watermelons

With practice and skill you can make basic or intricate decorations from watermelon.

Decorating the table or making a full centerpiece is often done with flowers, wreaths, and candles, but you can take advantage of what you will be serving by making fruit decorations for a party with watermelons. From turning your watermelon into a fruit basket to carving images in it like a pumpkin, you can use a watermelon for decoration.


1. Place your watermelon on a heavy towel on a cutting board or counter top to prevent it slipping. Cut horizontally across the watermelon to cut away the top third of the fruit. Remove the top and set aside.

2. Scoop out the watermelon from inside with a melon baller and put the balls of watermelon in a bowl. Put into a separate bowl any portions of watermelon that break during scooping.

3. Use your knife to carefully cut the top edge of the rind of your scooped-out watermelon into a zigzag pattern. This will take careful diagonal V-shaped cuts about an inch long one after the other all the way around the melon.

4. Fill the empty watermelon with a mixture of fresh berries, pineapple chunks, kiwi, oranges, grapes, apple slices, and watermelon balls from your first bowl.

5. Add vertical interest to your fruit bowl by skewering fruits and staking the skewers into the rind of the watermelon on one end so they stick up. Make patterns with the fruit colors and the skewers or make each skewer identical for a more uniform look.

6. Transfer the watermelon to a large plate or platter.

Tags: watermelon into, your watermelon