Wednesday 25 March 2015

Find Out What Your Name Means

Some people like to find the meaning of their name purely for entertainment purposes. Others take a more serious approach and believe that a person's name actually influences the outcome of his life in areas of love and overall success.


1. Visit the First Names and What They Mean website to look up your name and get a brief description of its meaning. Choose from names of different nationalities such as Spanish, French, Arabic, Italian, German and English. Find your name on the provided list, click on it and receive its gender, meaning and language of origin.

2. Get an advanced search of your name after paying a fee on the First Names and What They Mean website. Receive further information ranging from personality descriptions, charts showing the name's popularity to what kind of health a person with the name may expect. Choose from three levels of advanced searches and receive your reply via email to avoid postage charges.

3. Receive a report of the meaning of your name and how it affects your health, life potential, what name suits you best as a partner and how your name can influence your thinking at the Kabalarians website. Learn how changing your name can unlock your full potential through the teachings of the Kabalarians.

4. Use the Kabalarian site to choose a name for your baby that fits the life cycle she arrives into and allows her to realize her full potential in all areas. The Kabalarian philosophy states that names have the ability to help or hinder development throughout your lifetime, and that a name change can improve your life by matching better to your life cycle.

Tags: your name, Choose from, First Names, First Names What, full potential, life cycle