Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Draw Hibiscus Flowers

Drawing is largely a matter of correct size and proportion. One way to help achieve a lifelike look to your art--even if you have little or no artistic ability--is to use graph paper. By making your drawing on graph paper, you don't have to worry about making the entire drawing perfect--all you need to do is to make each individual 1/4-inch square as perfect as you can. If each square is correct, the entire drawing will come out right. You can draw your hibiscus flower from a living model or from another drawing.


1. Find a comfortable, well-lit place where you can draw and set up your hibiscus flower model where you can see it. Your model can be a real flower, or it can be a drawing or painting.

2. Lay a sheet of graph paper with 1/4-inch squares in front of you. Lightly mark the boundaries in which you will draw your flower. Make certain that you have chosen an area that is of the same proportion as your flower--in other words, make your area higher than it is wide if your flower is taller than it is wide. Use a ruler to measure your flower's height and width. Mark the boundaries of a proportionately-sized area on your graph paper.

3. Concentrate on drawing just one 1/4-inch square at a time. Use your pencil. Do not be afraid to erase a square and redo it if necessary.

4. Go over the primary lines of your flower with your ink pen once you have completed the entire flower in pencil (one 1/4-inch square at a time, drawing the flower to the proportions that you mapped out in Step 2). Once you have gone over your primary pencil lines with ink, use your eraser to erase any extraneous pencil marks. You now have a perfect hibiscus flower drawn on graph paper.

5. Tape your tracing paper down over the top of your graph-paper hibiscus flower. That's important so that the tracing paper cannot move in relationship to the graph paper. Use your ink pen to trace the flower onto the tracing paper.

6. Color the tracing-paper copy of your hibiscus or make a copy of the picture onto better paper. Color the copy.

Tags: graph paper, hibiscus flower, your flower, 4-inch square, draw your, tracing paper, your hibiscus