"SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom" is a video game based on the Nickelodeon cartoon "SpongeBob SquarePants." In "Battle for Bikini Bottom," players assume the roles of SpongeBob and Patrick, defending Bikini Bottom from hordes of robots created by the villainous Plankton. Players travel through various parts of Bikini Bottom, collecting golden spatulas on the way. In the Jellyfish Lake area, the golden spatula is submerged under the lake and can only be obtained by draining the lake.
1. Walk across the bridge located beside Mrs. Puff to an island with five enemies. Five water spouts surround this island, pouring water into the lake.
2. Use your stun attack to stun nearby enemies, then pick one up and toss it into one of the water spouts. A hand pointing at the spout will let you know you are aiming in the right direction.
3. Continue to stun and throw each of the remaining enemies into the rest of the water spouts. When you have thrown the last enemy, the lake will drain and the golden spatula will appear.
Tags: Bikini Bottom, water spouts, Battle Bikini, Battle Bikini Bottom, golden spatula