Thursday 29 January 2015

Palm Trees To A Nail Art Beach Scene

Follow these steps to add palm trees to a nail art beach scene. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Prepare the nails and add any background color before starting on your nail art.

2. Start with a small brush. You're putting a tiny palm tree on a tiny nail. You need to use the smallest brush possible.

3. Get the paint brush wet, but dab the wetness off. You want it to be damp but not so damp that drops of water or paint flop off onto the nail.

4. Dab your brush into black or brown paint for the trunk of the palm tree. Use black for a silhouette effect or brown for a full-color image. Roll your brush onto a paper towel or washcloth to remove excess paint from the brush.

5. Paint the fronds onto your palm tree using either black or green paint. Gently stroke the paint in small curvy lines to create the palm fronds.

6. Practice your nail art on a piece of paper so you know use your brush and how much paint you need. You'll also need to practice your paint strokes since the art you're doing is so small. Once you're good at doing the art on paper, practice on false nails before actually trying to do palm trees on someone's real nails.

Tags: palm tree, your brush, your nail