Thursday 19 February 2015

Create An Unscramble Puzzle

Create an Unscramble Puzzle

Word scrambles--also known as unscramble puzzles--make quick, easy party games and teaching tools. You can create your own with nothing but a pencil and paper, or use a free online program like those listed in the resources section to create professional looking puzzles. Use these quick little unscrambles to reinforce new foreign language vocabulary, deliver a secret scrambled message, or just entertain yourself and your friends.


1. Decide on a theme for your puzzle and work up a list of associated words--these will be the source material for your unscramble puzzle.

2. Input your list of words into a word scramble puzzle generator--see Resources for options--or scramble them yourself, doing your best to pick letters out in random order. If you scramble the words yourself, cross each letter out as you write it down, thus making sure you don't accidentally add or remove extra letters.

3. Consider adding clues, if necessary, to help puzzle solvers unscramble the words. These might take the form of short phrases or even images giving a clue as to the scramble word. This is especially helpful if you're using the word scramble as a tool to teach vocabulary words in a foreign language.

4. Provide an answer key for your puzzle on a separate sheet of paper--perhaps the back of the puzzle sheet--or keep one on hand for yourself for quick reference.

Tags: Create Unscramble, Create Unscramble Puzzle, foreign language, word scramble, your puzzle