Thursday 23 April 2015

Do A Front Squat Using A Smith Machine

Squats target your glutes, hamstrings and even your calf muscles.

A squat is a multifunctional lower-body exercise. Squats strengthen your quadriceps as well as your gluteal muscles, your hamstrings and even your calf muscles. Because your lower body muscles are quite large, using weights while squatting can increase the effectiveness of the exercise. Weighted squat varieties can include lifting barbells or dumbbells while performing the exercise. Squatting with weights can be dangerous because improper technique can lead to injury. Using a Smith machine can help you perform safe squats because it allows you to squat heavy weights without the need for someone to spot you.


1. Set the bar at chest height.

2. Add weight plates to the machine. If you are new to the machine, try it without any extra weights for the first few times so you can get used to the movement.

3. Stand behind the bar and position the bar on the front of your shoulders. Face your elbows forward and place your wrists under the bar. Grip the bar with your arms shoulder-width apart.

4. Step slightly forward so your feet are under the bar. Make certain your feet are pointed forward and are shoulder-width apart.

5. Rotate the bar back and lift it slightly to release it from its locked position.

6. Slowly bend your knees while moving your hips back. Continue lowering the bar until you are almost in a seated position and your upper thighs are parallel to the ground.

7. Push off the balls of your feet and straighten your legs until you return to the starting position.

8. Continue the repetitions without pausing eight to 12 times. This is considered one set.

9. Return the bar to its safety latch after your last repetition.

10. Rest for 30 seconds to one minute and perform two more sets of squats.

Tags: your feet, calf muscles, even your, even your calf, hamstrings even, hamstrings even your