Friday 17 April 2015

Make A Felt Palm Tree Room Decoration

Decorating a bedroom, playroom or party to fit a certain theme is one way that you can be transported to a far away place without having to purchase a plane ticket. You can decorate a room to resemble outer space, a foreign country or even the beach. One thing you will need if you want to turn a room or party space into a scene from the beach is a palm tree. You can make your own palm tree room decoration with some felt and a few other supplies from the craft store.


Making a Felt Palm Tree Room Decoration

1. Take your two strips of brown felt and cut two identical palm tree trunk shapes. (See Resources.) You want to end up with a long curved line that is slightly thicker at the bottom than at the top. The line should be, on average, 6 to 7 inches wide.

2. Cut palm leaves that are roughly 2 feet long, in matching pairs, from your green felt. (See Resources.) You should end up with 10 pairs of palm leaves that are shaped like thick half moons with triangle wedges cut out from the underside of the leaves.

3. Sew the two palm tree trunk pieces together with a loose loopstitch using needle and embroidery thread. Sew along the bottom and two sides, leaving the top edge open.

4. Sew the palm leaf pairs together with a loose loopstitch along the edges, leaving a 6 inch opening along the top edge of each leaf.

5. Lightly stuff the trunk and leaves with stuffing. Use just enough stuffing to make the trunk and leaves a little puffy. Then, use a loose loopstitch to close the trunk and leaves.

6. Nail the palm trunk to the wall at the four corners of the trunk, placing the bottom of the trunk at the baseboard.

7. Nail the palm leaves onto the palm trunk so that one end of the leaves covers the top of the trunk. Some leaves should extend straight out to the sides while others extend over and up. Use two nails for each leaf, one at each end. Add palm leaves until the top of your palm tree looks full; you don't have to use all 10 pairs. Also, you can layer the leaves on top of each other.

Tags: palm leaves, loose loopstitch, palm tree, trunk leaves, each leaf, Felt Palm, Felt Palm Tree