Monday 20 April 2015

Make A Gardenia Lei

Gardenias have a pleasant fragrance that adds to the allure of a lei.

Gardenias have creamy white flower petals and dark green, glossy leaves.They are perfect for making a homemade lei since the blossoms have an intense, sweet fragrance. Making a homemade lei is less expensive than buying one, particularly if you have a gardenia shrub or a flower garden with medium-sized flower varieties. The project requires little time and is an enjoyable way to prepare for a masquerade party or one that has a tropical theme.


1. Cut the gardenias from the shrub with a pair of pruning shears or sharp scissors. If you are not using them right away, leave a stem on the flower. This enables you to stick them in a vase of water to keep them fresh. If you are using them right away, cut the gardenia directly behind the flower head where it meets the stem. Remove any leaves from the flower head.

2. Measure 100 inches of the cotton string with a measuring tape and cut the string. This makes a 40 inch lei that is the correct size for an adult. Use 70 to 80 inches of cotton string for a child-size lei.

3. Thread a steel lei needle or another large needle with the cotton string.

4. Grab both ends of the string and tie them together 3 or 4 inches from the end of the string. Guide the needle to the center section so you can use it as a sewing needle.

5. Push the needle into the top center of the gardenia flower and out the base of the flower.

6. Slide the gardenia carefully to the knotted section of the string.

7. Repeat the method by adding the gardenias until the lei is full and there are only 3 inches left of the cotton string. Don't crowd the flowers together; leave about 1/2 inch between them.

8. Remove the needle by cutting the string.

9. Tie the two loose strings and the knotted end together near the flowers so there is no break in the floral sections. Place the lei over your head and around your neck.

Tags: cotton string, flower head, Gardenias have, inches cotton, inches cotton string, right away