Tuesday 21 April 2015

Make A Hat From A Palm Tree Frond

Use an old straw hat as the base for the palm tree hat.

Making hats from palm tree fronds originated in the towns of Montichristi and Jipijapa. The two towns historically produce the famous Panama hat made out of palm fronds. Montechristi Panama hats can be very expensive. A small number of skilled weavers still work in the area, producing these expensive hats, which can take up to six months to make by hand. It is entirely possible to make your own makeshift palm frond hat, using a straw hat or a bamboo frame as a base. On holiday, they can protect you from the sun and rain and make interesting presents for your family and friends. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Cut the stems of the palm fronds so that you have a flat edge. Stick the top of one palm frond to the the bamboo frame or straw hat, using the glue gun. Start at the top and work down. Repeat the process with the next palm frond overlapping the first. Ensure there are no gaps as you do not want the sunlight or rain to penetrate through any holes. Repeat all the way around the hat until the whole thing is covered, overlapping along the way with no gaps.

2. Wrap the hat around the middle with the twine. Tie the ends and arrange them decoratively. Use the glue gun to secure the twine in place.

If the palm fronds stick out too far over the edge of the base, either fold them underneath the brim and glue in place or trim them carefully with the scissors to neaten up the hat.

3. Cut pieces of fabric and glue them in a decorative way over the top of the hat to hide the point where you started sticking the palm fronds to the base. You can make a number of designs in this way and decorate the hat in whatever way pleases you or according to the occasion.

Tags: palm fronds, palm frond, bamboo frame, palm tree