Thursday, 9 April 2015

Look Like Blake Lively

She's got the hair, the clothes, the body, and the CONFIDENCE!!!

You could look like Blake Lively in a couple of simple steps!!!


1. One of the things she is synonymous with is her hair. Blake Lively's hair is absolutely amazing!!! To get her hair, you might want to dye it blonde. Its perfectly ok if you keep your natural hair color though. The most important thing about her hair is that it has volume.

2. How do you get that volume?????? You make sure to keep your hair healthy of course!!!! Don't use a lot of heat styling products. If you have to use heat styling products then use heat protection. If you don't have a lot of hair, then use hair extensions. Also gently tease your hair at the crown to add volume. ( DONT OVERTEASE!)

3. If you do have a full head of hair, grow your hair out way past your shoulders. Then go to the hairstylist and ask them for tons of layers and a little bit of frames to get the care-free and beautiful "Blake Lively" effect. Part your hair to one side.

4. As for Blake Lively' s body.... make sure you exercise A LOT!!!! Hoe to exercise you ask yourself? Running and swimming are probably the best ways to get into shape because it burns alot of calories and fat. Don't expect to see drastic effects until after two months.

5. Blake Lively's makeup tends to give off a carefree California vibe. To achieve this look, put on a light cream foundation and seal with powder. Then dab on some bronzer on your cheekbones. Swipe on some coral tinted lip gloss.

6. Then dab on some bronzer on your cheekbones.

7. Swipe on some coral tinted lip gloss.

8. For the eyes, line the top and bottom with brown eye liner. Smudge it a little bit. Then, apply two coats of brown or black mascara. Put on some ivory eye shadow all over your eyes up to your brow bone. Apply a little bit of brown eye shadow just over your eyelids. On the inner corners of your eyelid you could use a light colored eye liner or eye shadow to brighten up your eyes.

9. Her clothes on Gossip Girl make it look like she not trying at all to look good. Every single outfit looks like she just pulled random things out of her closet. Blake Lively still manages to look good though. On the show, she always likes to wear a sparkly top that she might have worn the night before while out partying. Blake always tosses a pastel colored cashmere sweater on it to mute the loudness of her shirt. Even though she just tosses an outfit together she looks carefree and AMAZING!!!

10. Some of her fashion staples are a wife beater tank, a sparkly sequin top, a cashmere sweater, high heels (of course), dark wash skinny jeans, leather boots, a huge leather bag, college prep skirts, androgynous vests, and layers upon layers of dainty vintage and sparkly jewelry.

11. If you want her clothes, the things mentioned above are essentials in your closet. Other adjectives that describe her style that might come in handy while shopping are : sparkly, carefree, grunge, mellow colors, mixed with bold colors, college prep, fancy, chic, and California sun.

Tags: Blake Lively, your hair, bronzer your, bronzer your cheekbones, cashmere sweater, cheekbones Swipe