A 2D video game is a game that only has two dimensions -- height and width. Classic games on the first Nintendo are prime examples, games like "Mario Bros.," "Duck Hunt," and "Pong." Despite the explosion of 3D type games thanks to the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360, 2D games still entertain. If you want to create your own 2D game but don't have the programming knowledge, several websites exist that can walk you through the process.
1. Navigate to PlayCrafter, a website that allows you to create simple 2D games that you can play and share with your friends. You can make racing games, shooting games, or platform games such as "Super Mario Bros." or "Sonic the Hedgehog." First, click "Make Games." This will take you to a level editor with a menu on the side. Click on various objects and drag and drop them onto the playing field. To edit an object, click on it in the menu, and then click on the paint brush icon. When you're done, click "Publish" in the lower right hand corner.
2. Go to Online to Games, a website that will allow you to build your own 2D platform game. The program is free to use. Click "Play" and you're taken to an interface to design your game. Drag and drop the various pieces of ground, the player, and the enemy from the menu on the left onto the playing screen on the right. When you're finished, click "Play Level" to test it out.
3. Visit Sploder, a free online program that allows you to make 2D platform games, racing games, or shooting games. Click "Create Platform Game" from the main menu. Sploder works using a drag and drop interface. Use the menu on the upper left to select the type of piece you want to drag and drop, from a wall piece to a floor piece to the player piece. When you're finished, click "Test" to test the level out. When the level is done, click "Publish" to share it with your friends.
Tags: drag drop, click Publish, done click, done click Publish, finished click, games shooting, games shooting games