Make and Find Hawaiian Luau Decorations
Hawaiian Luaus have become a fun and popular party choice, and you want yours to be perfect. Here are some ideas for fun and easy decorations...some you can make yourself. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Make totems by decorating cereal and oatmeal boxes with faces and stcking them on a dowel rod that has been stuck into a five gallon bucket full of rocks.
2. Tiki torches make great outdoor decorations, and can be procured cheaply at most home improvement stores and WalMart. In some places they are considered seasonal, so you might have to look online if you can't find them locally. You can even buy some with citranella to keep away misquitoes.
3. With a needle and thread and crepe paper streamers,you can make some cheap and beautiful leis. Just fold the paper, accordian style, and push the needle through. Twist the paper as you go, then tie the ends. You can also make a grass skirt with green crepe paper by cutting into two foot long strips and gluing it onto an inexpensive belt.
4. Coconut boats: Halve coconuts. Fashion a sail by gluing a construction paper triangle to a bamboo skewer. You can float several of these in a dish on the table, or in a small wading pool.
5. check out for great hawaiian luau decorations and favors. Also Party City has many great options for decorations and costumes.
Tags: crepe paper, Find Hawaiian, Find Hawaiian Luau, Hawaiian Luau, Hawaiian Luau Decorations, Make Find