Tuesday 14 April 2015

Make A Birthday Cake Explode

This particular cake will be a big hit at your birthday party. Your cake will look like a mountain and explode like an erupting volcano. Basically, dropping a stack of Mentos candies into an open bottle of diet soda causes the volcanic eruption. First, you must make a volcano-shaped cake to go around the bottle. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Bake a Volcano Cake and Watch It Erupt

1. Bake two boxes of brownie mix in greased glass pans according to the directions on the boxes. Cool, remove the uncut brownies from the pans, then place them side-by-side on a serving platter. This will become the volcano foundation. You can make your own cake, of course, but it needs to be sturdy. Most cake mix cakes are not sturdy enough to support the volcano shape.

2. Cut a hole in the center of the foundation brownies and fit the 2-liter bottle into the hole. Partially unscrew the lid on the pop bottle so it will be easy to take off later, but leave the cap on loosely for now. You can frost the foundation layer while you're baking the rest of the brownie mixes .

3. Bake and cool the rest of the brownie mixes, then cut them into brownie shapes and frost the tops and all sides but one.

4. Build your volcano by stacking brownies like bricks in narrower and narrower layers around the bottle, without covering the top.The mortar between your "bricks" is the frosting, but don't frost the outsides of them. As the volcano narrows closer to the top of the bottle, you can cut wedges of brownies, or fill holes with extra frosting. At the top, use a ring of the orange or red frosting.

5. Cover the mountain with plastic wrap and then frost the outside just enough to disguise it. You will be removing the wrap after the big explosion, which is why you didn't frost the outside of the mountain itself, so all the frosting does not come off with the wrap.

6. Make a cylinder out of card stock that is the right size to fit inside the neck of the pop bottle and tight enough to keep the Mentos candies stacked up inside the cylinder. Stack 4 or 5 candies in the tube like poker chips.

7. Remove the cap from the pop bottle. Place another card under the roll of Mentos candies to keep them from falling out too soon. Position the roll of stacked candies over the bottle. Tell everyone to stand back and watch. Slide the card out to let the candies fall into the soda. Jump back to watch the volcano spew up into the air.

8. Wait until the volcano stops erupting, then remove the outer plastic wrap. Start serving brownies from the top of the volcano going down. You may want to patch up the frosting on some of them.

Tags: Mentos candies, around bottle, back watch, brownie mixes, brownies from, cake will