An unscramble word game is a puzzle in which a word or phrase is scrambled and then the player has to unscramble that word or phrase. Not only are unscramble word games entertaining, but they allow players to learn the proper spellings of words and to recognize patterns. Making your own unscramble word games isn't difficult and doesn't require a lot of work.
1. Write a word or phrase on a piece of paper. If you use only one word, longer words will be easier to scramble and more interesting to solve. An example of a phrase would be "I think, therefore I am." If you use a phrase, write the words of the phrase as if the entire phrase were one long word. The phrase "I think, therefore I am," would become "ithinkthereforeiam."
2. Scramble the letters of the word or phrase used. For example, the phrase "ithinkthereforeiam" could be configured as "kithnierhtefieorma." To make the game more difficult to solve, separate the scrambled word back into the way the original phrase was spaced out. For example, "kithnierhtefieorma" could be reconfigured as "K ithni erhtefieo R ma."
3. Write the scrambled word or phrase onto a new piece of paper and add a clue so that the person solving your unscramble word game has a place to start. For example, the phrase "I think, therefore I am" is attributed to the 17th century French philosopher Rene Descartes, so add that to your game as a key to solving the puzzle.
Tags: word phrase, example phrase, think therefore, unscramble word, your unscramble word