Wednesday 15 April 2015

Make A Candy Cake For A Birthday

Make a candy cake with different types of candies.

Birthday cakes are fun, but the basic one-layer cake with frosting has been done before. Many creative cake creators search for a different type of cake that will astonish the birthday person. Creating a candy cake does not follow the classic cake design and it comes apart to share with no knife or mess. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Fill the tins with the peppermint or Hershey kiss treats. The tins will be a gift for the cake recipient so use that person's favorite treats. Tape the lids so they remain securely on the tins.

2. Cover the cardboard circle with aluminum foil. Secure the aluminum foil with tape. Flip cardboard circle over so the tape side is facing down.

3. Center the larger tin on the aluminum-foil-covered circle. Center the smaller tin on top of the larger tin to create a tower. Secure everything with tape.

4. Attach tape to the ends of the candy bars and line them up along both tins vertically. The candy bars will be standing up like fence posts encircling the tins. Cover any gaps or holes with thinner candies or decorations.

5. Decorate the top of both tins with various decorations. Use shredded paper, ribbon, figurines, numbers or candle holders on the small tin to make a cake topper. Be creative and use the decorations to reflect the personality of the birthday person.

Tags: aluminum foil, birthday person, both tins, cake with, candy bars, candy cake