Friday, 10 April 2015

Make An Easy Mermaid Tail

Make a mermaid tail for Halloween or any occasion that calls for a costume.

Bring the magic of the ocean alive with a mermaid costume for yourself or your little girl. Although commercially available mermaid's tails are easily available in a variety of colors and styles, making one yourself allows you to personalize it to your or your daughter's taste. Use fabric that matches the desired top and embellish the tail with decorative accents to create a costume that is easy on the pocket but draws the eye so you stand out.


1. Measure the length from the waist to the knees of the person who will wear the tail. Note the measurement. Measure the length from the waist to the ankles. Wrap the measuring tape around the hips and note the measurement. Wrap the tape around the heaviest part of the thighs, knees, calves and ankles, noting the measurements as you work your way down.

2. Transfer the measurements on butcher paper using dots. Join the dots to form a straight line in the pattern of the mermaid's tail. Include the measurement of the monofin, or the single fin at the end of the tail, along with its desired shape. Cut it out.

3. Fold the selected spandex fabric in half so the patterned sides face each other. Place the tail cutout on the fabric and trace it with chalk, leaving 3 inches all around. Insert pins along the chalk marks every 4 to 6 inches, before cutting along the lines, using sharp fabric scissors.

4. Sew all the way along the pattern using a 1/4-inch seam. Make sure you do not sew over the waist. Cut excess thread with scissors.

5. Fold the fabric at the tail's waist by 2 inches and insert pins to hold the fold in place. Sew all the way around the waist to create a waist band. Make sure you do not sew the waist closed.

6. Remove the pins inserted into the fabric along the tail and cut loose threads. Insert your hand inside the fabric and pull it out to expose the patterned side. Roll the monofin and insert it in the fabric at the end of the tail. Make sure the monofin fits snugly in place.

Tags: Make sure, fabric tail, from waist, length from, length from waist, Measure length, Measure length from