Friday, 10 April 2015

Make An Elmo Centerpiece

Create an Elmo centerpiece your child will love.

Little kids love Elmo, the furry red monster who lives on Sesame Street. Primary-colored decorations will be the basis for an Elmo party. Liven up the table with an Elmo-themed centerpiece that kids will love. You don't have to spend a lot of time or money to make a creative, fun centerpiece. Does this Spark an idea?


Stuffed Elmo

1. Purchase a stuffed Elmo or just use one of your child's. Tickle Me Elmo is a perfect size for a centerpiece.

2. Blow up helium balloons in different primary colors.

3. Attach a bunch of balloons to Elmo.

4. Put alphabet blocks around Elmo. You could spell out the birthday child's name or Elmo's.


5. Buy a large glass goldfish bowl and a goldfish that will look like Elmo's pet fish, Dorothy.

6. Place the goldfish in the center of the table.

7. Put smaller goldfish bowls around the large bowl. Pour goldfish crackers in the smaller bowls and let the kids snack on them.


8. Make Elmo birthday party cupcakes bearing Elmo's face.

9. Put the cupcakes on a cupcake stand.

10. Place the cupcake stand in the center of the table.

11. Put one cupcake at each guest's place, as well.

Tags: center table, cupcake stand, Make Elmo, will love, your child