Thursday, 9 April 2015

Make 50th Wedding Invitations

Customized invitations for 50th wedding creates a welcome keepsake.

A major milestone is 50 years of marriage. A celebration of these years together is often planned with invitations needing to be made and sent to guests. It is a celebration of the accomplishment and years of dedication. These invitations can be ordered from a company or homemade. Make 50th wedding invitations as a special gesture toward the couple. This does not have to look unprofessional as there are ways to create elegant invitations.


1. Establish the theme and style of the celebration. Will it be formal or informal? This will help determine the color scheme and design.

2. Find a free online invitation making program to make a nice invitation. Some include: and Kits for making invitations are also available.

3. Open a template in the program. Type in the couple’s name and put it in a creative font. Then type in the time, date and location of the 50th wedding celebration in an easy to read font, such as Times New Roman. Other important information to include is if it is a surprise gathering, if a meal or snacks will be served or if it is a cake reception. If it will be a wedding renewal ceremony, the invitation should say if gifts are welcome and if dress is formal.

4. Personalized invitations are special for any celebration.

Make a customized 50th wedding invitation by adding color. Use a print color that matches the theme or is one of the couple's wedding colors. Also, consider using colored paper or special invitation paper purchased from a craft store. When the invitation is printed, the special paper will add to the invitation’s creativity.

5. Personalize the invitations to create a wonderful keepsake for the couple and their guests. Add a photo of the couple on their wedding day or a special current photo. Even putting a photo of them when they met alongside a current photo would be a creative touch.

Tags: 50th wedding, couple their, current photo, invitations special, Make 50th