Thursday, 9 April 2015

Make 21st Birthday Invitations

On your 21st birthday, it is natural to want to celebrate the important occasion with a party. With all the plans for food, entertainment, venues and party game ideas, invitations may be the last thing on your mind. It can be difficult to find invitations that fit your personal style or color preference at a reasonable price. Having them custom-crafted at a printing shop can cost a small fortune. One way to avoid the stress surrounding your invitations is to make them yourself. With some basic supplies and a little creativity, you can make invitations that are perfect for your party.


1. Cut the sheets of card stock to fit the envelopes. Leave enough room to easily slide the invitation in and out of the envelope.

2. Practice with the rubber stamps on the scrap paper. Press the stamps gently onto the ink pad and apply them to the scrap paper. Practice the arrangement you plan to use on your invitations.

Try a phrase such as "Mary's turning 21" or "You're invited to my 21st."

3. Repeat the stamping process, but stamp on the card stock this time. Write information about the party on the interior of the card. Use a pen, as stamps may be too large to fit what you need to say. Include who, what, when, where and why.

4. Allow the stamped ink on to dry completely. Place the invitations in the envelopes and send them out.

Tags: card stock, invitations that, scrap paper, your invitations